Vocabulary unit 9_Lesson 3

A.  Choose the correct word to complete the definition.

An alteration          Vandalism             Premises             Burglary        Termination   
Liable                      Hereafter               Remedy               Sublet

1.   ____________ are the buildings and land that a shop, restaurant, house, or apartment building uses.
2.   ____________ is the crime of getting into a building or house to steal things.
3.   ____________ is the act of ending something.
4.   ____________ is the crime of deliberately damaging things, especially public property.
5.   ____________ is a small change that makes something slightly different.
6.   ____________ means legally responsible for the cost of something
7.   ____________means in a late4r part of a legal document.
8.   ____________means to deal with a problem or improve a bad situation.
9.   ____________means to rent to someone else a property that you rent from its owner.

7 Surprising Ways You Could Be Liable for an Accident
I'm happy to install the update on your computer, but if anything goes wrong, I won't be liable.

Surprising Ways You Could Be Liable for an Accident

Knowing whether you could be held liable for someone’s injuries is usually pretty easy. Driving while distracted and not watching the road are pretty obvious examples of liability. Allowing your dog to roam the neighborhood, even if it has a tendency to bite, is another. There are, however, some situations where you could be liable that may not be as obvious. Here are seven of the most common. Leaving your keys in the car is one example of liability.
Resultado de imagen para vandalismoResultado de imagen para burglary
This is an example of vandalism.                               This is an example of burglary.

Hereafter (adv.) means in the future or from now on.

Example: I'll forgive this one mistake, but hereafter there can be no more.

Resultado de imagen para Premises

Check your answers:

1.   Premises are the buildings and land that a shop, restaurant, house, or apartment building uses.
2.   Burglary is the crime of getting into a building or house to steal things.
3.   Termination is the act of ending something.
4.   Vandalism is the crime of deliberately damaging things, especially public property.
5.   An alteration is a small change that makes something slightly different.
6.   Liable [ˈlaɪəbəl] means legally responsible for the cost of something
7.   Hereafter means in a later part of a legal document.
8.   Remedy means to deal with a problem or improve a bad situation.
9.   Sublet means to rent to someone else a property that you rent from its owner.

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